Memories of lovely Emma

Created by Juliette 3 years ago
I think I first met Emma when our daughters were in year 3 at school and over the years I have always loved time in Emma's company.  She was such a thoughtful, kind and generous person and always so concerned for other people.  I have fond memories of her always with a smile and she always looked so stylish and was never afraid to wear bright colours.  She was happy and bright and I'm so very sad we won't get to do lots of things we had planned or had talked about doing.  I have shared lots of happy times as a group of four with Christine and Francesca and I will always have happy memories of those times the four of us were together, at each other houses, on the rec in Chandlers Ford (which was a regular event last summer), at the Farmhouse (pub) or even just at school pick ups.  Emma was always a great source of wisdom too and I will miss her thoughts and input on things.  Emma was a shining star and I will miss her friendship very much. Juliette xx